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Does Eating Collagen-Rich Food Actually Help Your Body Produce More Collagen? 

We’ve all heard it before: eating collagen-rich foods like chicken, steak, and fish can make your skin glow, your joints feel younger, and your hair stronger. But is it really that simple? Does consuming collagen directly boost your body’s collagen production? 

The answer might surprise you. The truth is: not really.  

The Truth About Collagen in Animal Foods 

It’s true that animal-based foods like chicken breast, steak, and fish fillets are packed with collagen. But here’s a little secret that isn’t often discussed: you can’t get collagen from plant-based foods. Collagen exists only in animal tissues, and despite what you may have heard, it doesn’t exist in the plant genome. So, while you’re consuming all this collagen when you eat animal-based foods, that doesn’t mean your body absorbs it as-is. 

What happens when you eat these collagen-rich foods is that your body breaks down the collagen protein into smaller peptides, chains of amino acids. These peptides are then further digested into individual amino acids, which your body absorbs and uses for various functions. Your digestive system is super efficient at breaking down proteins into these amino acids, which is great for overall health, but it doesn’t directly result in more collagen production. 

The Key to Boosting Collagen Production: Collagen Peptides 

Here’s where things get interesting: just eating collagen doesn’t increase collagen production. The real trick to boosting collagen levels lies in getting collagen peptides into your bloodstream. 

When collagen peptides make it into your small intestine intact, they send a signal to your body to ramp up its own natural collagen production. These signals are sent to specialised cells in your body called fibroblasts, which then work to produce more collagen. It’s like your body gets tricked into thinking there’s a lot of collagen breaking down, so it kicks into high gear and makes more of it. 

But here’s the catch: collagen peptides must make it to the small intestine intact. They can’t be broken down by stomach acid before they get there. This is where most collagen supplements fail, they either don’t make it to the small intestine or the amount of collagen peptides they provide isn’t consistent. 

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The first clinically proven collagen supplement aimed at rejuvenating skin, hair and nails. 

How Ingenious Gets It Right: Protecting Collagen Peptides 

This is where Ingenious comes in. Ingenious collagen peptides are specially protected in a clever capsule that ensures they survive the digestive process. Unlike traditional powders or liquids that may show some absorption of peptides, Ingenious capsules are designed to hold the peptides intact until they reach the small intestine, where they can deliver a consistent and reliable dose of collagen peptides directly into the bloodstream. This repeated, steady dose signals your body to increase collagen production effectively. 

While liquid or powder collagen might provide some benefits, they can’t offer the same consistent and repeatable results, despite what many products claim. 

So, Does a Collagen-Rich Diet Work? 

Eating a diet rich in collagen won’t directly increase collagen production, but it still plays a key role in supporting overall health. The amino acids from animal-based proteins are essential for various bodily functions, so a well-rounded diet with adequate protein is important for overall well-being. 

But if you’re serious about boosting your collagen production, it’s not about eating more collagen-rich foods. It’s about delivering collagen peptides to your bloodstream in a consistent, reliable way, something Ingenious has perfected with our patented capsule technology. 


The first clinically proven collagen supplement to rejuvenate skin, hair and nails.


A wellness supplement providing enhanced performance and recovery in addition to the benefits of Collagen+.
