Astaxanthin and healthy vision

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What is astaxanthin? Astaxanthin is a carotenoid (antioxidants with bright pigment hues). Scientists have acknowledged for many years that carotenoids such as astaxanthin play a part in protecting the eye from free radical damage. However, as eyes age, their levels of certain antioxidants, (carotenoids) decrease. Taking an astaxanthin supplement has been shown to help protect […]

Joanne Clifton: on Life & Lockdown

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It is a strange, unsettling time for many at the moment. With theatres closed and new TV shows on hold, one amazing performer, Joanne Clifton is refusing to allow Lockdown to hold her back. You may know Joanne from her time on the BBC TV series Strictly Come Dancing, which she won in 2016 with Ore […]

Calculating your collagen levels

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Everyone is different, and our bodies age at different rates. However, it is a well-established and often quoted statistic that generally collagen levels start to drop in our mid-20’s and fall by around 1.5% a year.  Thus, it is a common misconception that calculating collagen levels is easy. If collagen levels start to fall when […]

Why a clinically proven collagen supplement is always the best option

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There are so many collagen supplements on the market and trying to choose one can be confusing. So what should you look for? Well, one of the most important things to consider is whether it is a clinically proven collagen supplement. So many collagen supplements rely on customer reviews or consumer surveys. They use these […]

A pharmacy on the front line during COVID-19


Where possible, the Ingenious team are currently working from home, like much of the rest of the UK. However co-founder, Pupinder Ghatora, is an award-winning pharmacist and is currently running an independent pharmacy in Reading. At the time of writing Doctors Surgeries are not seeing patients face to face, so pharmacies have become the first […]

8 proven ways to stay healthy this winter


The long summer days are over. It has been a tumultuous year and with the colder weather settling in, it is now more important than ever to look after ourselves and our health. Luckily, we’ve put together 8 top tips to help you through the winter months.  1. FRESH AIR When there is a cold […]

Astaxanthin and Salmon

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Eating salmon is known to have many health benefits. It is high in essential omega-3 fatty acids, high in B vitamins and potassium and a good source of protein. You might not know however that salmon also contains a unique antioxidant called Astaxanthin, and that Astaxanthin is what is responsible for the salmon’s distinctive colour.  […]

Collagen, Gender, and the Menopause

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THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN Men and women are different. Our physiologies vary in numerous ways: from the fat content in our bodies (women’s tends to be higher while men normally have greater muscle mass), to our blood pressure (women’s tends to be lower), to our heart rate (women’s heartrate is faster), to our […]

Body Transformation Coach Juggy Sidhu – Why I take Ingenious Active


When I was 11 years old my father was diagnosed with late onset type 1 diabetes and was forced to radically alter his diet. I found watching this complete overhaul of nutrition fascinating and it made me hyper aware of the importance of what we put inside our bodies. Since then I have been devoted […]

Astaxanthin, the amazing antioxidant helping to prevent ill health

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Cardiovascular Disease Heart disease in its many forms is the leading cause of death in the developed world. According to a recent report by the World Health Organisation, an estimated 17.3 million people died from cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) in 2008 and by 2030 this number is predicted to rise to 23.6 million. In the UK, […]