
what is astaxanthin?

Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful antioxidants ever discovered and belongs to the carotenoid group of molecules. It is an incredible 6,000 times stronger than the better known antioxidant vitamin C.

As a powerful antioxidant, Astaxanthin has been shown to have many benefits when taken as a supplement; from skin repair, reducing wrinkles, repairing joints, improving eye health and even aiding the brain.

The benefits of astaxanthin are vast and astounding, that’s why we use it as a core ingredient in all of our supplements. For more information on the potential benefits of astaxanthin, read our blog ‘Amazing Astaxanthin’.

Astaxanthin is the main carotenoid pigment found in pink aquatic animals like salmon, and birds such as flamingos who feed upon the natural microalgae that produces astaxanthin. While this gives those animals their pink colouring, humans will not turn pink as a result of taking supplements containing astaxanthin.

why is astaxanthin acid important?

Modern lifestyles put our bodies under attack from free radicals produced by UV rays, pollution, stress, smoking and poor nutrition. The damage caused by free radicals is a major cause of skin ageing which affects all layers of the skin, from the visible surface to the delicate deep layers where new skin is formed, destroying both collagen and hyaluronic acid.

Astaxanthin breaks down Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), or ‘free radicals’ that directly damage collagen fibres. By eliminating free radicals using natural astaxanthin, existing collagen will not be damaged, and neither will the making of new collagen.

what's the science of natural astaxanthin?

A clinical trial undertaken on natural astaxanthin (the ingredient used in Ingenious formulation) revealed that taking 4mg of astaxanthin significantly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, skin roughness and skin redness after six weeks.

Further clinical studies also reveal how taking supplemental astaxanthin every day can help to improves eyesight, protects against types of ocular degeneration and help combat screen-induced eye fatigue. You can find more information about this topic in our blog post ‘Astaxanthin and Healthy Vision’.

Astaxanthin has been shown to exert a strong protective effect on the brain and has also been used to help treat and prevent diseases such Parkinson’s and Alzehimer’s. The human central nervous system (CNS) contains 100 billion neuronal cells and is vulnerable to oxidative stress and inflammation due to its low cellular renewal rate. Extensive studies have found that carotenoids such as astaxanthin, with its ability to lower rates of inflammation as well as fighting free radicals, can help to protect and preserve the central nervous system and enhance brain function.

what's ingenious natural astaxanthin?

The natural astaxanthin used in Ingenious products​ is derived from a micro-algae sustainably sourced from a Swedish archipelago. The process to extract this astaxanthin operates in a carbon negative closed circuit system, with the thermal energy produced heating a local town outside of Stockholm, Sweden.